"You have a lovely way of gently nudging us towards implementation."

Paul Long photo


What I do

When people ask me what I do my standard answer is I help people do better. I take high-level policy or complex ideas and concepts and make them happen. Not everyone can do this and I get a buzz out of it.


Why I do it

I like working with people and delight in helping people do better. I especially enjoy working with clinicians or other frontline staff. I have never met a clinician that didn’t want to do better.

They are busy, hard working and often, hard pressed. Their time is precious so I feel privileged when they offer me some of their time, whether it is a training session, workshop or meeting.


The moment of engagement

This is my favourite part of any meeting. I approach each meeting with positive energy and enthusiasm. I’m there to work with the participants and help them. However, inevitably there is someone sitting with arms crossed, looking down at the table or a book, making it clear they don’t want to be there.

Sometimes they are anxious, or even fearful, of trying something new, especially in front of colleagues or peers, who often look to them for leadership and as someone who has all the answers.

I enjoy seeing them drop their guard as the event progresses and they become more open and engaged.

Working with such dedicated and intelligent people is incredibly satisfying, whether it is helping them understand how they work in a wider system, teaching them new skills, or simply, understanding the perspective of the others players.


The people who make a difference

It is these people who have taken the time to enhance their understanding and skills, who have been prepared to be challenged, that make a difference to the delivery of care and the patients’ experience. These are the people that make my work so personally rewarding. I just help them in understanding the crucial issues across their organisation and how to identify practical resolutions to difficult and complex situations.


If I can help someone to be happy and more confident at work, maybe have the courage to tackle a long-term problem, I feel I’ve done a good job.